České Radiokomunikace

ESG and our path to sustainability

We know that our activities have an impact on the environment and on people’s lives. That is why we adhere to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles. We actively pursue many of the 17 goals for a sustainable future that have been set by the UN, thereby contributing to social, environmental, and economic development.

In doing so, we rely – in addition to a responsible approach and an emphasis on education – on the power of technology. We will do the most for the next generation in this sphere.

Caring about
Environmental protection
Caring about

We own and operate masts and buildings in nature reserves, protected landscape areas, and national parks. That is why we carefully monitor the consequences of our activities, make sure to prevent risks and accidents, and adhere to the set environmental protection quality system.

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Caring about Environmental protection

We own and operate masts and buildings in nature reserves, protected landscape areas, and national parks. That is why we carefully monitor the consequences of our activities, make sure to prevent risks and accidents, and adhere to the set environmental protection quality system. We make sure that all our activities are compliant with applicable environmental legislation and other relevant environmental standards.

CRA disponují certifikacemi ISO 14001 Environmentální managementCRA disponují certifikacemi ISO 50001 Systém managementu hospodaření s energií

We hold the following certifi cates: ISO 14001 Environmental Management and ISO 50001 Energy Management System.

We map potentially hazardous situations in detail and have contingency plans in place to minimise any risks.

Helping through IoT and Digitalisation

We support the development and expansion of technologies. For example, IoT together with the cloud and artifi cial intelligence can create eff ective systems not only for monitoring the environment, but also for optimising and managing the activities and processes required for its protection. This is one of the reasons why we cooperate with CzechInno on the European Centres for Digital Innovation (EDIH) project.

We are building an IoT network that will make it possible to develop smart cities, smart agriculture, smart waste management, and smart industry and logistics. The fact that IoT will be essential in creating a better future is confi rmed by our CRA IoT Hackathons, which have yielded many useful ideas in the environmental sector.

We support sustainable travel

We realise that every kilometre not flown or driven contributes to a cleaner atmosphere and reduced emissions. That's why we keep air travel to the bare minimum. For example, business operations can be both efficient and environmentally friendly when we choose the appropriate technologies. We therefore motivate employees, business partners and clients to use online meetings.

We support environmentally conscious employees as much as possible. For example, for cycling enthusiasts we have prepared comfortable showers and safe parking spaces for bicycles so that their green journey to work is not only pleasant, but also worry-free.

Minimising waste and promoting recycling

We are involved in the Green Company (Zelená firma®)project, which aims to eliminate the adverse impact of human activity by ensuring the take-back and effi cient recycling of waste from electrical and electronic equipment.

We are registered in the EKO KOMsystem, which provides collection and secondary use of packaging waste.

We emphasise prevention of waste generation and, if generated, all waste is thoroughly sorted

  • We use reusable packaging in logistics.
  • We have minimised the purchasing of plastic bottles – we use water carafes in our meeting rooms, reusable milk jugs instead of disposable one-portion packs, and sugar in containers instead of single-portion paper sachets.
  • In order to eliminate needless printing and paper consumption, we have introduced an electronic approval system for documents and electronic signatures.
  • Where printing is required, we print double-sided and in black-and-white.

Not polluting the air

We reduce the volume of coolants with a high GWP index and switch to coolants with a lower GWP index – coolant R32 – when replacing air-conditioning equipment.

500-kW boiler room has been decommissioned at the Kojál transmitter, thanks to the use of waste heat, and replaced with a 48 kW furnace as a back-up source of heat.

We use local suppliers in order to reduce the carbon footprint in the supply of services and materials.

Thanks to an extensive monitoring system at the facilities we operate, we reduce the need of our technicians to travel for breakdowns that can be resolved by remote access.

Water management

We use rainwater and water drawn for protecting our buildings for flushing toilets, watering plants, and filling re-extinguishing tanks.

Preventing water loss by remote water meter controllers that monitor non-standard water flow and send alarm notices. Buildings not equipped with water meters are fi tted with electrical valves that disconnect the water pump once the building is put in a guarded mode.

We strive to maximise water retention in landscape – where water does not need to be conducted away by sewers, we ensure that it is absorbed into soil, using drainage systems.

Buildings where dangerous substances are handled (diesel for back-up power sources) are equipped with technologies (sumps, sensors) and organisational arrangements have been made for them (contingency plans, operating rules).

We use water-saving devices on our taps and toilet flushers.

Saving energy and using renewable resources

We prefer to buy technologies with a minimal environmental impact (class A appliances, LED lighting – including aviation warning signage), etc. and We maximise our purchase of ‘green’ energy..

  • Installing photovoltaic panels – pilots on selected TVPs (with an expectation of future development).
  • We manage our offi ce buildings with equithermal control (control based on outside temperature).
  • We use waste heat from our transmitters, using waste energy to heat parts of the buildings.
  • We insulate buildings with the greatest heat loss.
Caring about
People and company
People and company

We do everything we can to make sure everyone feels comfortable and safe with us – clients, business partners, and, above all, our employees. We care about giving everyone equal opportunities. We help those who need it and we support training and skills development.

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Creating a work environment where we enjoy working

We spend a signifi cant part of our day at work. We therefore consider it important that we feel comfortable at work so that we can perform at our best. We therefore create the right conditions for our employees to work and develop.

Ensuring a high standard of health and safety at work

Not only do our employees work in conditions that meet all legal requirements in the sphere of OSH and fi re protection, we strive to create an environment that protects their health. To prevent risks and accidents, we are developing a Near Miss culture designed to detect – in a timely manner – incidents that could result in injury and damage to health.

Supporting diversity of the CRA team

We are happy to have diff erent generations, faiths and personalities in our ranks, supporting and enriching each other and making our team together. Team spirit is even one of our values. So we do not look at the age, nationality, faith, sexual orientation or cultural background of our teammates.

Promoting education and equal opportunities in society

We focus primarily on helping children, young people, and disadvantaged groups in society. We support students in developing their skills and preparing for their professional lives. Our support is also targeted to more remote regions of the Czech Republic.

Talents and skills

We support the Horizons project of the charitable society Talent and Skills (Nadání a dovednosti), in which teenage children are prepared for choosing their future careers.

DofE youth education programme

We support the Duke of Edinburgh’s programme that supports young people in their personal development and the acquisition of skills that they will fi nd useful in their future lives and work.

The Czech Bone Marrow Donor Registry

The Czech Bone Marrow Donor Registry is a member of a network of more than 60 registries worldwide; many of our employees are also donors.

People and company
Responsible management
Responsible management

Our corporate culture is based on transparency, fair competition, respect, and equal treatment. Closely related to this is the emphasis that we place on the protection of all data and on cyber security.

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We are guided by ethical principles

Our principles of ethical conduct and communication are summarised in the CRA Code of Ethics.

In our everyday work, we are guided by ethical and moral principles, which we expect all our employees and associates to follow.

Competing openly and transparently

We have honest and open business relationships with our business partners, which we consider essential.

We promote fair competition and do not tolerate any form of corruption, bribery, or breach of fair competition.

Honouring equal treatment

We make sure that our decision-making is objective and impartial. We respect each individual and maintain an approach based on mutual respect and equal opportunity.

We treat everyone equally and under no circumstances tolerate any form of bullying or discrimination, whether on the basis of gender, age, physical appearance, length of employment, nationality, religion, sexual orientation or cultural background.

Protecting data

The processing, storage, and transmission of data and information is our daily work. That is why we know how crucial its security is. We protect the data of our customers, partners, and employees to prevent leakage and misuse. This is one of the cornerstones of our credibility.

Responsible management